Wealth is the difference between how much you have and how much you (actually) need.

We want freedom, wealth can provide that.

Gazi Kartal
4 min readJun 2, 2021
Picture by Nate Johnston on Unsplash.com

Influencers and famous people all around the globe try to suggest as often as they can that it is expensive cars and luxury clothing you need in order to be accepted as a successful part of society. Parents tell their kids that they need to be successful, suggesting a great education is the start into a great life of climbing the ladder of success. Reality is blurred in a strange way to the young people watching their idols on social media. Of course, they want to make something out of their lives as everyone expects from them. In addition to that, they see the people that are deemed successful leading this extremely unsustainable lifestyle while bragging about it. Most of the people promoting 1000 dollar shirts actually are not accomplished, they simply get paid to promote the brands that own their channel behind the curtain of the self-made entrepreneur. Some exceptions on social media actually achieved a lot in their lifetimes. They should know better than telling little kids life is about wearing stuff that no ordinary subject of our society can pay for. I do not want to get into the trend of bashing capitalism as a concept. It does not take an attack on the system itself to expose the contradictions these jerks promote to the most vulnerable parts of society, the adolescents and kids.

If these kids would get all of the items recommended to them for free today, they would surely be cheerful for the first few days. After a small period of being flashed by their gadgets, they would quickly fall into deep depressions. The reasoning behind that being that feeling accomplished and content with yourself is not about bragging about your new sportscar. That is the reason why people winning the lottery usually end up bankrupt rather quickly. All of the times they bought a ticket they prayed for the jackpot. When the so-called dream comes true, they do not become accomplished at all by having a huge number in the bank. The same is true for heirs of huge fortunes. It is easy to call these humans bad with money or outright stupid. It is extremely unjust to do so. During the time of their lives spent without financial ability, they only think about getting the things all the rich people own. The pressure young people feel these days is enormous. When they are finally able to afford them, the promised amazement never holds. In order to get the feeling of being accomplished which they thought would be in their palms right after getting rich, they spent more and more of their wealth until they are broke.

Why did no self-made billionaire ever retire after making more than enough cash to live out multiple lifetimes without any financial trouble?

Because money can buy happiness in form of food when you are hungry.

Because money can buy happiness in form of a warm place of shelter when it is getting cold.

Because money can not buy happiness by piling it up for the only sake of promoting the image of a rich person as a content one.

Money can buy things that make you feel good.

Money itself can never make you a better person.

You need to like yourself if you ever want to be an accomplished person.

True satisfaction comes from the contentment of the soul.

An object in possession never retains the same charm that it had in pursuit.

The person wanting to catapult herself/himself to a point in her/his life where he/she sleeps well, feels good, and leaves anxiety behind needs to do one thing without distractions:

Work towards your dreams.

The daily grind on your way to the top is what makes it great to be at the top. Never rest on the summit or your achievements will turn vain. Your journey and the stories earned on it are your primary reward.

Remember, the only person which can give you the feeling of being worthless is yourself. The only human being which can make you feel accomplished is the same that makes you feel worthless.

Most people that tell you money is not important are broke. They are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs, yet they lack the willpower to get out there and make their dreams happen. So they walk around telling people that money does not matter. It does as I showed you above.

The truth lies between the broke person and the influencer playing rich.

A person which is providing value to society with their actions will inevitably receive a reward for that. Customers are gladly paying you well, given you helped them out. The cash you earn while providing value lifts your mood more than you can imagine.

Hustle hard while staying humble and life will reward you.

Be as free as you are allowed to.

Do not waste your life trying to be better than others. It is a game no one can ever win.

One day you will make more than you need. One way to get to that point is by cutting your unnecessary expenses. Wealth can never be created by throwing money away. The perfect proof of that is the stockbroker who makes 10k monthly and still manages to go broke by burning his cash for things that are liabilities without any inherent value. The story is not a single case.

Please take a look at the Dogecoin-millionaire and his car.

He is happy with himself. You should be as well.

My promise to you:

Earn more than you spent — build wealth 100% guaranteed.

Feel good while doing so.

Feeling accomplished is pretty easy. Modern society makes it look hard.

I hope you got value out of reading.

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Gazi Kartal

Sharing my thoughts and impressions whilst working towards self-improvement. Be unique. Visit me @: https://gazikartal.com/